August 2021 Daily Photos


So I’ve decided to take a photo a day to both keep myself busy and to practice my photography in general. No subject in particular. Could be the highlight of my day or just something I found interesting. You never know!

Day 1: Cows! Just one of the many animals we saw on our daily walk.
Day 2: We are going to have SO many tomatoes. 1 of 3 plants.
Day 3: Looking for a new entertainment center and learned SO MANY now have a fake fireplace in them. I don’t understand…
Day 4: Hello fuzzy bug. Today I learned about Woolly aphids.
Day 5: Another day spent furniture shopping. This store had a Cafe full of candy, ice cream, and cartoons.
Day 6: So we managed to get one of these today.
Day 7: Happy birthday to me! Got to visit a sunflower field during Sunflower Days at Gull Meadow Farms.
Day 8: I’d forgotten the tomatoes we planted were yellow (Honey Delight Hybrids). The harvest begins! They are very tasty.
Day 9: My mini sunflowers in the front planter have finally opened! Been looking pretty rough this year and wasn’t sure they’d make it.
Day 10: Giant maple nut cinnamon rolls!
Day 11: Bison burgers! Took the time to caramelize some onions to mix into some thinly sliced mushrooms and topped off with a bit of BBQ sauce. So good.
Day 12: Birthday sunflowers are starting to get a little droopy 🙁
Day 13: A very pollen covered bumblebee from our walk.
Day 14: My 10 ft tall sunflower finally bloomed!
Day 15: PS5 ready to go! So excited to play!
Day 16: Needed groceries and had to do a double take. It IS in fact actual Cheerios and not some knock-off.
Day 17: More and more tomatoes everyday. Starting to think of ways to use them all.
Day 18: It’s the simple things. Home made cheesy bread.
Day 19: Found a trail to walk on the way home from the dentist.
Day 20: Still impressed with the new TV. Also, I finally beat a video game for the first time in a while and actually restarted it because It was really fun.
Day 21: Hot and humid. Decided to go on a long walk.
Day 22: I couldn’t decide what I wanted for dessert so I had both a scoop of puppy chow ice cream AND cinnamon toast chocolate churros to dip.
Day 23: Just noticed the lower leaves on my sunflowers are struggling. Looks like some kind of mold, but it’s very dry.
Day 24: Bought a pie from a local farm. Peach praline. SO good.
Day 25: Massive rainstorm yesterday/last night caused half of todays batch of ready-to-pick tomatoes to split 🙁
Day 26: Just your friendly basement wolf spider that wandered too far from home. Was relocated outside
Day 27: Since when do they put QR codes on fortune cookies..?

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  1. Joyce Wierzbicki says:

    Belted Galloway
    The “Belted Galloway”, a hardy breed of Scottish Cattle, is distinctive because of the belted, white band evenly distributed around the mid section of the otherwise totally black animal. Many breeders and cattle fanciers refer to the “belties” as Oreo-cookie Cows.

    1. We couldn’t get close enough to tell if that was the coloring or if they were actually wearing a belt or something around their middle.

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