Hi there! My name is Jessie Schultz. I’ve been baking, cooking, and growing flowers for nearly two decades now. I’m known among my friends for sharing pictures of my treats, and time after time they’ve told me: start a blog! So what do you know? Here it is!
Flour and Sunflowers is primarily a baking blog, showcasing the sweet treats, fancy desserts, and other goodies I make on a weekly basis. You’ll also find the occasional non-baking recipe, and posts about my adventures both local and abroad.
I was born in the Chicago area, grew up in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, went to college in Virginia Beach, and moved to southwestern Michigan with the love of my life. Here we’re surrounded by nature, with plenty of fresh produce and space to grow flowers.
I’m glad you see you here, and I hope you stick around. I’m sure there’s a tasty treat somewhere that’s perfect for you!